Princess Bride Disney Themed Wedding

Seated at the Micky and Minny table with our relatives assigned to the lady and the tramp table, is what you’d expect when your niece is a princess bride and plans a Disney themed wedding.

There must be plenty of Disney characters since there were at least a dozen tables or more, all named not numbered, in the traditional sense. My youngest brother’s only daughter getting married was a big deal. Katianne is the last of only two daughters among my three brothers. Otherwise stated, the last Cooke girl to get married.

Kate and Sean make an adorable couple. Their wedding was the stuff of fairy tales. This wedding and this blog post provided me a way to launch a new personal category on the site. Blogging about tourism and Cape May fill about 90 percent of the content. Another blog about social media and tourism actually was inspired by another family wedding in Cleveland.

Any photographer would be inspired by a  princess bride Disney themed wedding.  I don’t consider myself a wedding photographer, events, and photojournalism are more my style. But when baby brother is the father of the bride the camera comes out.

Patience is one of my traits when taking pictures and I try to only capture memorable moments to share.

Wedding receptions are always fun and a great way for families to reconnect, remember and celebrate.

Memory table’s might be a new thing now, so this was a first for me at Katianne’s wedding.

Getting together with family that live great distances is always fun.

Knowing the cast of characters at a princess bride Disney themed wedding might help win a trivia contest. But knowing the family allowed me to know when to look for great pictures like my kid brother crying (again) at his daughters first married dance.

And then this shot, which has become one of my personal favorites was really fun.

Judging by how many Facebook pages it landed on and my niece sharing it–it became one of her favorites too.

No wedding would be complete without the father of the bride giving his new son-in-law a few words of wisdom.

We are a pretty tight-knit family. I couldn’t be prouder of my youngest brother Steven. The wedding venue Brigalia’s did a fantastic job and daddy’s little girl is now Mrs. Sean Williams.
May they live happily ever after.


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