Let’s Talk Turkey
Camden County has bear problems. Cape May County has, well you know, turkey problems. Wednesday afternoon saw the informal, first ever, running of the turkey. Many Cape May city resources were brought to bear on…
View PostCamden County has bear problems. Cape May County has, well you know, turkey problems. Wednesday afternoon saw the informal, first ever, running of the turkey. Many Cape May city resources were brought to bear on…
View PostThe United States Coast Guard is one of my favorite topics to blog about. Anything to do with either Training Center Cape May TRACEN, or the permanent party assigned to station Cape May gets my…
View PostSeeing the sunrise is just one of the benefits we share while living on the Jersey Shore. Sharing it with others seems like a responsibility. Having the ability to see and hear the ocean in…
View PostA quick check in one of my earliest blog posts confirms the timing of the arrival of Northern Gannets in Cape May. Gannets don’t actually arrive, but pass by on their way north. Soon their…
View PostThis morning brought one of those “top ten” moments in Cape May. Up there with spotting your first Bald Eagle, or seeing dolphins along the beachfront for the first time, or the Eagles Cheerleaders at…
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