A quick check in one of my earliest blog posts confirms the timing of the arrival of Northern Gannets in Cape May. Gannets don’t actually arrive, but pass by on their way north. Soon their numbers will create an impressive sight as they fly close to the water on their trip north.
Shorebirds that do arrive and stay a while include Piping Plovers and Skimmers, creating beach closures while they nest.
Plovers are the brunt of many fowl jokes in Cape May about how the birds taste like chicken. New Jersey has them on the Endangered Species list but the Fed’s do not. There’s also little chance you’ll find them in anybody’s cook book like the one from Florida proposed to feature endangered species.
When checking in to our motel, visitor’s to Cape May often ask “Is there anything going on this weekend?” “There’s always something going on in Cape May” is my pat answer. Some of the best things in Cape May are free this time of year. Free or minimal cost for sure. Viewing the migrating birds should be on everyone’s list. For up to date info on recent sightings visit CMBO’s Blog.
While the popular Cove Beach and Poverty Beach have access restrictions to protect the beach-nesters we still have beauty and solitude on Higbee beach in Lower Township. As I finish this post, I am interrupted by my day job to take a seven night reservation for Montreal Quebec residents, specifically visiting Cape May for the birding action. Such a reputation we share!
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