From There to Here, Beach to TV


The fun part about posting sunrise pictures to twitter is that you never know where they will wind up. People often tell me that I take great photographs of sunrises and sunsets. I’m usually in the right spot with my iPhone or camera, living in a beautiful part of the country. So the other morning when this bright red sky began to form, I quick un-holstered the trusty iPhone and clicked away. Then Sent out the usual Cape May good morning on my twitter account cookecapemay.

What happens after that is basically out of my hands. But Wednesday morning Adam Rutt , local weather man for NBC-40, spotted my picture and used it for the weather report back drop on the Atlantic City station NBC-40.

For me, just another dog walk on Higbee Beach turned into hearing comments from neighbors to bank tellers appreciating seeing the sunrise that I get to see almost every morning. So in full vanity when I arrived home and clicked on the weather report on Channel 4 there was Adam giving his final update of the morning. You guessed it, I un-holstered the trusty iPhone and snapped a picture of the photo in action on my TV screen. That’s how photos get from there (Cape May, Higbee Beach) to here on my own television screen and yours as well. Fun!

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