No Better Time to Thaw Out the Town

Truth is I  harassed John Harris. While Chamber of Commerce president, I pursued John, of Cape May Singer Songwriter to sign up and pay. Why? With the misconception of him gleaning gads of money from filling up Cape May on cold March weekends, why not? Then I looked around and noticed that nearly every hotel and motel in town was full. At least the two that I am associated with were full. Not only the motels and hotels, but every possible bar and restaurant with a stage setting would also be packed with music lovers.

My self-imposed penance for harassing John over the event that I now love, is to get behind him and promote and support this fabulous weekend. It’s not just John and the Singer Songwriter team I support, but the musicians who pour heart and soul into their work. It looks like 150 different acts will perform at every available/open venue in Cape May this weekend.  One of my favorites in this year’s line up is Michael Troy from Fall River Massachusetts.

Michael Troy was born and raised in the rough-and-tumble mill town of Fall River, Mass. In many ways, his life reflects the lives of the hard-working common folk who populate this part of New England. Having spent parts of his own life as a mill worker, fisherman, laborer and carpenter, and most of his adult years as a husband and father, Michael has traveled many paths, and the experience and wisdom he’s gleaned along the way echoes through his music.

Mention the book, Perfect Storm in a sea-side town and every one knows the story. Challenge the history of January of 1999 and maybe not so much. That was the winter that saw the loss of four boats in thirteen days, chronicled by Doug Campbell in the Sea’s Bitter Harvest. The lyrics of Michael Troy’s “Four Boat’s Down” were used in the forward to Campbell’s book. Michael’s song sends a chill as cold as the January winter down your spine as you imagine what it was like.

It’s mind boggling to comprehend so many fine musicians descending on Cape May this weekend. Even with the last minute change of a couple of venues, John Harris and his team of Maureen and Carl have organized and scheduled acts this weekend from roughly 8:00Pm to midnight all over Cape May. Planning who to see and when is as challenging as filling out a perfect March Madness bracket. With or without the Billion dollar prize. For full schedule click here.



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  1. March 29, 2014 / 7:53 am

    Thanks for all you Do! Your a good man John Cook