After the ride on for the Hayden Schofield event on Saturday afternoon, a few of the youth involved messaged me for photos. Feel free to share this link with anyone who attended.
Several dozen bicyclists gathered on Jackson Street and the Washington Street Mall to remember Hayden Schofield, 17 years old, who was killed in a motorbike accident earlier in the week.
Cape May Police provided supervision and escort after a brief prayer and moment of silence led by Ron Hallum, the father of Gabe Hallum, 15, a friend of Schofield.
Gabe organized the event as a memorial for his friend. “We are going to ride to a few of his favorite places, like the cove and Wawa,” Hallum said.
“It is so important to process grief….if you don’t, it stays inside in some negative ways. Especially the opportunity to do something physical like a bike ride” West Cape Mayor Carol Sabo said in a Facebook comment.