Have you seen one? A Snowy Owl I mean.
While Snowy Owl sightings seem to continue throughout the area as recorded on the Cape May Bird Observatory blog , it wasn’t until Exit Zero Magazine Facebook page posted a tip from Richard Crossley that I actually got to see one. Apparently the word gets out rather quickly when a sighting occurs as seen in the crowd shot below. I am told that over 150 people got to see this Snowy Owl yesterday according to Richard.
For full disclosure I am not a regular birder. It is true, that while walking my Golden Retriever most mornings I have the opportunity to see amazing sights like Bald Eagles etc. The Snowy Owl seems to have captured the attention of birders and local folk alike. In fact when I read Exit Zero’s post, I jumped from my desk, decent camera in hand and drove the ten blocks to Philadelphia Avenue, where the most recent sighting was recorded. Click, click and back to my desk, what would be a life bird for some was now in my book. I’ll leave the science to the professionals.
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