The Little Cape May Snow Storm that Wanted to be Big

As soon as a snow storm, or any significant storm heads toward Cape May the news media gets excited.  So no surprise on Tuesday morning this week when social media channels began lighting up from reporters making plans to head to Cape May.

The storm fell short of expectations and the media fell short and landed in Ocean City to do the reporting instead of Cape May. Oh well.

I always appreciate someone else’s perspective on Cape May like Jill Archer, who took a quick flight to Cape May county airport and a taxi into town before the named storm descended on Cape May. She documented her trip in Silhouettes, Shadows, & Sunsets on her blog.

Needless to say, “Janus” as the storm was called, fizzled, stalled, or under-performed depending on who you talked to. For the twenty-four hours before and after the storm, we stressed, got anxious, excited and then relieved.

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Twenty-four hours later we had a heavy dusting in Cape May

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Perhaps for the first time, what people in Cape May refer to as our individual weather pattern was documented in a post by Dan Skeldon in what he called an unexpected dry spot over Cape May County.

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Cape May dodged another direct hit of a major winter storm. While some areas had only a few inches of light fluffy snow, much of it was blown away by the gale force north-east winds.

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By mid-day on Wednesday all seemed normal and business as usual in Cape May for January. Just bone chilling cold and piles of snow to remind us of what could have been much worse.


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  1. January 23, 2014 / 10:13 am

    Thanks for the mention and pingback, John. I enjoyed seeing the pictures of snowy Cape May even if the storm wasn’t as spectacular as everyone hoped for. My kids are heading back to school today after a long holiday weekend that became even longer due to the snow. So it’s back to business as usual for me too. Enjoy the rest of your week!

    • captcooke
      January 24, 2014 / 5:49 pm

      Thank you and thanks for reading and commenting.