Cape May Blogging Retrospective

This will be my Cape May blogging retrospective, a brief summary of the most widely read or popular posts on the Cooke Cape May blog. I have a deep sense of gratitude for the enthusiastic…

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Cape May Jetty Motel Demolition Approved (Guest Article)

CAPE MAY — The Historic Preservation Commission approved demolition of the Jetty Motel on Second Avenue and conceptual renderings for a new hotel. During a meeting Nov. 20, Cape Jetty LLC principal Emmanuel DeMutis was…

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Saying Farewell to Harry Kulkowitz

“Harry Kulkowitz made friends wherever he went and demonstrated there was alway room for one more at the dinner table,” said Harry’s daughter Sigrid at his graveside service last Thursday. Approximately 100 of Harry’s friends…

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How Harry Kulkowitz stormed into Normandy #Guest #Blog

Guest Blog by Tansy Forster of Normandy France I feel the need to tell the back story of the photo taken by my husband Mike Forster who was formerly Fleet Street photographer in London. With…

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Nauti Spirits Craft Distillery Blends Dreams With Vision

A new local craft distillery is offering spirits made from nature’s bounty, and for those wishing to taste the “sweet life,” Nauti Spirits is just the spot. Steve Miller, a retired lieutenant commander and JAG Corps…

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