What Fell From The Sky? A Balloon Maybe?
Multiple agencies responded to a call of mutual aid and searched the ocean off Queen Street, Cape May Saturday afternoon after reports of possible person or objects in the water. People were asking the question, what fell from the sky?
Firefighters initially responded to the beach near Queen Street shortly after 5 p.m. to begin the search. Assistance was requested from the United States Coast Guard small boat station and the dive team from Town Bank Volunteer Fire Department. The Villas Fire Department also responded. A command post was set up at Beach Avenue and Queen Street.
Firefighters used a tower truck to increase their vantage point and police with binoculars searched from the roof of nearby convention hall. By sunset nothing had been located and authorities called off the search due to darkness.
State Police took statements from possible witnesses.
“It was a good team effort between the Coast Guard, State Police, Cape May police and fire departments and the Town Bank volunteer fire department,” a Coast Guard spokesperson said.
It remained undetermined what, if anything fell from the sky or was seen in the water.
Post edited 4:30 PM
A source who wished to remain anonymous indicated that a report of a large collection of over sized mylar balloons drifted over the Marquis de Lafayette hotel on Decatur street, then over Convention Hall and into the ocean.
Caller said lf it “might” have actually been someone they would have felt terrible not saying something to authorities. The Coast Guard though not requested Sunday conducted a training exercise in the same area just in case anything was detected.
Great photo coverage, John! Good news that no one was lost at sea!