Was the Cape May street sweeper louder than usual this morning? Was the town just quieter than usual? Maybe it was having the windows open at 58 degrees out in August.
The Cape May weather has been mildly cooler than usual for August. No one that I know of is complaining.
The age demographic is slowly creeping upward. As school prepares to open families squeeze in one more quick trip to the beach. The calm of the morning is more noticeable now.
Everything from the Clematis to Hibiscus is popping with their final blooms and making the air just a bit sweeter. The lower humidity and cooler temps seem to be keeping gardens and grass more refreshed than usual. Even the sky seems brighter blue. I’ll take it. How about you?
John – do you know where Steve Lamanna is playing piano this Thurs Aug 28? thanks
Sorry Tom I do not know. He has been making appearances at Willow Creek winery. I’ll listen if I hear I will let you know.