Owning a Golden Retriever is an adventure. Researching and acquiring one is also an adventure. We first met Susan Robins our breeder straight off an AKC website referral page. The fact that she lived nearby in New Jersey, was a highly regarded breeder and a lovely woman was a bonus.
This would not be our first Golden, but Sue was determined to see that where her Kalm- Sea puppies would go to live , was a healthy environment and a good home. Even if it was by the sea in Cape May.
Social Media sites like Facebook have permitted all the litter mates of Cape May Joy Cooke other wise known as Kalm-Sea’s Chanel’s Joy to remain in touch these past five years. You could say the dogs not only became our friends but the owners have too.
Imagine our delight when our puppies “dad” or Sire Kalm-Seas To Have and to Hold was entered in the Westminster Dog Show in New York City. Not really being dog show people, we couldn’t help but be ecstatic. Knowing we would not be able to make the trip, we were thrilled we could watch the day time activities live from our desk top. We had always been fans of the Monday and Tuesday night televised programs.
And then the controversy about a Golden never winning Westminster. I mean Goldens are in the popular breed list. Could this be the year? And Joy’s dad is in the hunt-this was getting exciting. Remember we are family pet owners and although Joy is a female (ok a bitch) “Will” winning would only mean bragging rights or us which was enough.
Watching Will go through the motions on Tuesday morning on the streaming page of Westminster’s website was intense. It was like being there even-though we were in the office annoying folks with our shouts and cheers. By the end of the day the whole Cape May community knew of Joy’s dad making BOB with all the informal screen shots of the computer getting posted on Facebook. Kalm- Seas to Have and to Hold was the Best Golden Retriever in the Breed showing at Westminster Dog show. Joy’s dad was good!!!!